The road to Tuscarora, Nevada.

Hey ! It's abeautiful day, folks ! Let's go to Tuscarora, Nevada !

How strong is the school bus !

Yeaaahh ! Tuscarora, Nevada on the left ! You can't screw it up !

Lone Mountain Station. Nice coffe. The only for miles !!!

Waooww ! I turn on the left ! And the coffee too.

Here we are Tuscarora, Nevada !!!

The little arrow is soooooo cute !!!

Okay !!! Ride on ! Ride on ! Isn't that great !

Nice hat, buddy !!!

Damn ! It was snowing ! Or, it's been snowed ? A yes-or-no snow ??

Yeah babe ! Spooky, isn't it !

The world it spins on a crooked axis Left it twitching by the road (thank you Earth).

HEllooooooo !!!

Slow down, Jimmy, slow down...

WTF !!! Wht zis focking shit !!! Are they humans ? AMERICANNS !!!!! And the printed dog !!!!!! AAhhHhHH...... Spooky, isn't it babe.

Ah, yes... Cattle on the road.



Damn ! My coffee is frozen !!!

Finally ! The junction !

Just like Mr Lahey said !

Strange, I remember I watched my dog chase his tail for ten minutes and thought "wow, dogs are so easily entertained". Then I realised I just watched my dog chase his tail for ten minutes.

... Hey ?!? WTF !!!??? It's jammed Jummy !!! IT'S JAMMMED !!! THE GOOGLE CAR MADE A U-TURN ! DAMN !!! I CAN'T GO TO TUSCARORA, NEVADA BABE !!!

The road exists but the blue trail is vanishing ! WTF AMMRICA...


1. Le samedi 18 janvier 2020, 03:48 par Company

Observateur, ce fût la demie-heure de gagnée la plus frustrante de ma dernière vie. Je veux dire, on a reculé dans le temps d’une demie-heure, mais pour savoir que la route qu’on espérait désormais suivre plus que tout jusqu’à son terme était close…

C’est très « drame antique », cette affaire, en fait.

2. Le samedi 18 janvier 2020, 03:52 par tcrxt

J’ai trouvé la poste-bibliothèque !

3. Le samedi 18 janvier 2020, 15:29 par Jimmy

Damn ! The little grey box, is it post-office or librairy ???

4. Le samedi 18 janvier 2020, 15:34 par The Go-Ghoul Kar

Hello, here is the Go-Ghoul kar team. We made a u-turn because we were dying for a cup of coffee. Anyway, Tuscarora stinks.

5. Le dimanche 19 janvier 2020, 17:57 par Tuscagora Rocks

Hello Go-Ghoul Kar, if you had been more patient, you would have found drip coffee in the post-office/library. Yes sir, the best miles around ! And Betsy, the librarian/mailwoman/stamps advisor/ grocery girl would have greeted you with the warmest "good morning" in town.

Here is your life lesson sir : it's not because trip advisor or yelp does not speak about it that it does not exist.

Sucker !

6. Le lundi 20 janvier 2020, 02:29 par Betsy

you're damn right.

7. Le mardi 21 janvier 2020, 08:26 par Sgt Pépère

Too much mumbo jumbo right here. ID cards, on you knees, all of you. Tuscarora is a calm town and my job is to keep it calm. Any cost. Show some respect to Betsy.

8. Le mardi 21 janvier 2020, 15:40 par Commentateur youtube

Her name is Betsy DeVos Show Some Respect!

9. Le mercredi 22 janvier 2020, 03:12 par Candace Maribelle

Betsy is the best.
She is a real connoisseuse of romance fiction and always order the new Harlequins !
Yep !!
She is also the President of the Tuskenamorada Book Club. Next friday we will discuss Nebraska Fire by Lauren Wilde. Can't wait !!

10. Le mercredi 22 janvier 2020, 07:30 par Oh me

Oh my, Betzi is a hell of a woman. Ŝe can read MINDS.

11. Le mercredi 22 janvier 2020, 23:25 par The Go-Ghoul Kar

I told you so, Buck, Tuscarora is a "nid of emmerdes" as the French would say... We did the right thing, making a U-turn back on the opposite way. Yep.

12. Le mercredi 12 février 2020, 23:20 par Youentubeur

Quelle arnaque, Tusacarora c'est dans l'Yonne. Je me disais bien.

13. Le mardi 16 juin 2020, 20:31 par Impatient

Bordel, mais ils ne sont toujours pas arrivés ? 
Qu’est-ce qu’ils foutent ?
Ils se sont perdus ou quoi ?
Bordel !

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